Cyber Security

A newly discovered botnet capable of staging distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks targeted unpatched Ribbon Communications (formerly Edgewater Networks) EdgeMarc appliances belonging to telecom service provider AT&T by exploiting a four-year-old flaw in the network appliances. Chinese tech giant Qihoo 360’s Netlab network security division, which detected the botnet first on October 27, 2021, called it
Three different state-sponsored threat actors aligned with China, India, and Russia have been observed adopting a new method called RTF (aka Rich Text Format) template injection as part of their phishing campaigns to deliver malware to targeted systems. “RTF template injection is a novel technique that is ideal for malicious phishing attachments because it is
Cybersecurity researchers on Tuesday disclosed multiple security flaws affecting 150 different multifunction printers (MFPs) from HP Inc that could be potentially abused by an adversary to take control of vulnerable devices, pilfer sensitive information, and infiltrate enterprise networks to mount other attacks. The two weaknesses — collectively called Printing Shellz — were discovered and reported
One of the harsh realities of cybersecurity today is that malicious actors and attackers don’t distinguish between organizations that have seemingly endless resources and those operating with lean IT security teams. For these lean teams, meeting the challenges in the current security landscape requires constant attention, and sometimes a little support. XDR provider Cynet has
North Korean defectors, journalists who cover North Korea-related news, and entities in South Korea are being zeroed in on by a nation-state-sponsored advanced persistent threat (APT) as part of a new wave of highly-targeted surveillance attacks. Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky attributed the infiltrations to a North Korean hacker group tracked as ScarCruft, also known as
Four different Android banking trojans were spread via the official Google Play Store between August and November 2021, resulting in more than 300,000 infections through various dropper apps that posed as seemingly harmless utility apps to take full control of the infected devices. Designed to deliver Anatsa (aka TeaBot), Alien, ERMAC, and Hydra, cybersecurity firm
Threat actors are exploiting improperly-secured Google Cloud Platform (GCP) instances to download cryptocurrency mining software to the compromised systems as well as abusing its infrastructure to install ransomware, stage phishing campaigns, and even generate traffic to YouTube videos for view count manipulation. “While cloud customers continue to face a variety of threats across applications and
Attackers are actively making efforts to exploit a new variant of a recently disclosed privilege escalation vulnerability to potentially execute arbitrary code on fully-patched systems, once again demonstrating how adversaries move quickly to weaponize a publicly available exploit. Cisco Talos disclosed that it “detected malware samples in the wild that are attempting to take advantage
A new Iranian threat actor has been discovered exploiting a now-addressed critical flaw in the Microsoft Windows MSHTML platform to target Farsi-speaking victims with a new PowerShell-based information stealer designed to harvest extensive details from infected machines. “[T]he stealer is a PowerShell script, short with powerful collection capabilities — in only ~150 lines, it provides
Italy’s antitrust regulator has fined both Apple and Google €10 million each for what it calls are “aggressive” data practices and for not providing consumers with clear information on commercial uses of their personal data during the account creation phase. The Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM) said “Google and Apple did not
Researchers have unearthed a new remote access trojan (RAT) for Linux that employs a never-before-seen stealth technique that involves masking its malicious actions by scheduling them for execution on February 31st, a non-existent calendar day. Dubbed CronRAT, the sneaky malware “enables server-side Magecart data theft which bypasses browser-based security solutions,” Sansec Threat Research said. The
An advanced persistent threat (APT) has been linked to cyberattacks on two biomanufacturing companies that occurred this year with the help of a custom malware loader called “Tardigrade.” That’s according to an advisory published by Bioeconomy Information Sharing and Analysis Center (BIO-ISAC) this week, which noted that the malware is actively spreading across the sector
A new malware campaign has been discovered targeting cryptocurrency, non-fungible token (NFT), and DeFi aficionados through Discord channels to deploy a crypter named “Babadeda” that’s capable of bypassing antivirus solutions and stage a variety of attacks. “[T]his malware installer has been used in a variety of recent campaigns to deliver information stealers, RATs, and even
Threat actors have been found using a previously undocumented JavaScript malware strain that functions as a loader to distribute an array of remote access Trojans (RATs) and information stealers. HP Threat Research dubbed the new, evasive loader “RATDispenser,” with the malware responsible for deploying at least eight different malware families in 2021. Around 155 samples
Every Product Manager and Software Developer should know that pushing feature updates to production via traditional channels is as archaic as painting on cave walls. The smart are always quick to adapt to new, innovative technologies, and this mindset is exactly what makes normal companies great. The landscape is changing fast, especially in IT. Change