
Boeing’s new Starliner crew capsule docked for the first time with the International Space Station (ISS) on Friday, completing a major objective in a high stakes do-over test flight into orbit without astronauts aboard. The rendezvous of the gumdrop-shaped CST-100 Starliner with the orbital research outpost, currently home to a seven-member crew, occurred nearly 26
NASA will soon be scaling up its documentation of environmental and societal changes on Earth. The space agency will achieve this by working in collaboration with its partners in Europe and Japan, namely ESA (European Space Agency) and JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency). The collaboration will include utilising all the Earth-observing satellite data available so
Scientists have long tried to create new allotropes (forms) of carbon because of their versatility and usefulness for the industry. But only limited success was achieved so far. That is set to change now. In a major breakthrough, researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder, US, have successfully synthesised the long-hypothesised “next-generation wonder material” graphyne.
Elon Musk is due to arrive in Brazil on Friday to discuss “connectivity and protection of the Amazon” with far-right President Jair Bolsonaro’s government, Communications Minister Fábio Faria announced in a tweet. Musk’s visit is a boost for Bolsonaro, who has found himself increasingly isolated on the global stage since former US President Donald Trump
Photonic materials are the ones that emit, detect or manipulate light. These materials play a crucial role in various sectors such as telecommunications, data processing and storage, and solar cells. Because of their vast usage, there is a continuous need to make them efficient. Researchers, at the University of Central Florida (UCF), are developing new
With the growing pace of development, researchers have been experimenting with various artificial intelligence technologies through devices and products. However, implementing artificial intelligence in electronic device requires customised hardware, which in turn result in high power consumption. It has been a challenge for researchers to solve issues related to high power consumption that limits the integration
The world is quickly gravitating towards adopting solar energy on a wide scale in a bid to slow down the potentially devastating effects of climate change. But a major roadblock has been solar energy’s limited generation depending on sun’s brightness. However, in a major breakthrough, a group of Australian researchers appears to have found a
NASA’s Cold Atom Lab aboard International Space Station (ISS) has come up with a discovery that can give a new direction to quantum research. In this lab, researchers have experimented with gas to form an exotic material. Gas, when cooled to nearly absolute zero (minus 459 degrees Fahrenheit, or minus 273 degrees Celsius) formed small,
NASA astronauts and officials on Wednesday said Boeing’s Starliner space capsule is ready for its uncrewed launch this week to the International Space Station, a long-delayed test mission meant to demonstrate the aerospace giant can safely fly humans in space. Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner capsule, a gumdrop-shaped astronaut pod, has experienced multiple setbacks in recent years.
Astronomers may have just stumbled upon the first known case of an intergalactic supernova remnant. The international team of experts found a mysterious circular ring that is believed to be the remains of an exploded star. This giant ring-shaped phenomenon near our neighbouring galaxy is being called a “rogue” supernova remnant. Named J0624–6948, it is
As we gradually move towards the Internet of Things (IoT), the volume of data is set to skyrocket. With it, the demand for lightweight, high-performance, mobile data processing devices will also increase. To develop such devices, we would first need organic integrated circuits with organic transistors. However, the integration density of these circuits has been