
An underwater volcano that erupted in the South Pacific near Tonga on January 15 this year causing a catastrophe in the archipelago. The Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption also triggered an earthquake and tsunami that flooded the country. A new study indicates that during this event, the volcano spewed not just ash into the atmosphere but also a
In what can prove to be substantial to the treatment of handling disorders related to drug abuse, scientists have discovered a new brain mechanism. The study, which was based on cocaine-seeking in rats, discovered that inhibiting certain acetylcholine receptors made it more difficult to resist cocaine-seeking urges. These receptors are located in the lateral habenula
Developing a method to observe the movement of atoms in a liquid, scientists from the University of Manchester have captured — for the first time — images of single atoms swimming in liquid. When a solid and a liquid come in contact with each other, both substances tend to change their configuration. This solid-liquid atomic-scale interaction governs the behaviour
When the COVID-19 pandemic first started, automakers like Ford swiftly changed their production priorities from cars to masks and ventilators. These businesses relied on assembly-line workers for the changeover. As robots are confined to their routine activities, it would have been too difficult for them to make this transition. If a robot’s grippers could be
A water-activated disposable paper battery has the potential to significantly reduce the amount of electrical trash produced by single-use devices, such as those used in the medical and industrial sectors. Researchers have developed a battery that is cheap to assemble, biodegradable and made of renewable materials. Additionally, it can be made in a range of
A Chinese rocket fell back to Earth on Saturday over the Indian Ocean but NASA said Beijing had not shared the “specific trajectory information” needed to know where possible debris might fall. US Space Command said the Long March 5B rocket re-entered over the Indian Ocean at approximately 12:45pm EDT Saturday (16:45 GMT), but referred
To understand any physical phenomenon, one must identify the variables that are responsible for it. While scientists are familiar with the variables for most physical connects, some have remained to be elusive. Now, researchers from Columbia University have used artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a program that observes such physical phenomena and detects the relevant
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are the most common neurodevelopmental disorders that are diagnosed in early childhood. While both are separate conditions, their symptoms tend to overlap which makes it quite tricky to differentiate between them. Now, in a novel study, researchers from the University of South Australia and Flinders
In what could revolutionise the way ultrasound imaging is performed, engineers have developed a stamp-sized sticker that sticks to the skin and provides continuous ultrasound imaging. Currently, this is done using sophisticated and heavy equipment that requires specialised technicians. These ultrasound machines provide live images of the heart, lungs, and other organs. However, they are
The amount of time, effort, and money needed to train ever-more-complex neural network models are soaring as researchers push the limits of machine learning. Analogue deep learning, a new branch of artificial intelligence, promises faster computation with less energy consumption. The findings of the research were published in the journal ‘Science’. Programmable resistors are the