
Unlike other companies that are attempting significant transformations with artificial intelligence, Apple is using the emerging technology to improve basic functions in its new gadgets. Without using the words “artificial intelligence” to describe the emerging technology, Apple showcased a new line of iPhones and a new watch that included improved semiconductor designs that power the
The price and positioning of the Apple Watch range makes it aspirational and perhaps a bit too expensive for many of us, but what it has done is make smartwatches more desirable on the whole. The result of this is a flourishing budget smartwatch segment, supported by various brands leveraging their expertise in smartphones and
In today’s fast-paced world, smartwatches have transformed from luxury items to essential everyday accessories. With features extending beyond merely showing the time, they’ve become an integral part of our daily life. They help us in staying fit, keep us connected, and even guide us on our way to various places. Whether you’re looking for health