Redmi Smart TV X and Redmi Router AX1800 were launched in China on Wednesday. The Redmi Smart TV X comes in two display sizes — 55-inch and 65-inch — and features a dual 120Hz display refresh rate, MEMC (Motion Estimation Motion Compensation) for a smoother picture, and 4K resolution. The Redmi Smart TV X also
Hisense on Thursday expanded its range of smart QLED TVs in India by launching its new models that feature full array local dimming backed by Quantum Dot technology. The built-in technology is claimed to help deliver brighter whites, deeper blacks, and an enhanced contrast ratio by controlling the backlight evenly across the screen. The new
While there are a lot of new launches in the budget and mid-range television segments all the time, the premium space tends to see a handful of big launches every year from major brands such as Samsung, Sony, and LG, to name a few. Specifications and types of screens might be different across the major
Redmi Smart TV X (2022) is gearing up for launch in China later this week. Ahead of the official debut, the Xiaomi sub-brand has teased the refresh rate of the upcoming TV. As per the teaser image, Redmi Smart TV X (2022) will offer a high refresh rate of 120Hz for high dynamic range content.