
Walmart will soon be enabling businesses across its vast global organization to design, build, and deploy their own voice and bot applications across multiple platforms for their specific audiences. The world’s largest retailer today announced plans to acquire technology assets of Botmock, a startup that has specialized software that makes it easy to build and
This article was contributed by Todd Blaschka, Chief Operating Officer at TigerGraph COVID-19 accelerated digital transformation among businesses and revolutionized ecommerce as we all adjusted to fluctuating lockdowns and quarantine mandates. The U.S. ecommerce market experienced ten years’ worth of growth in three months in early 2020 as consumers shopped almost exclusively online. COVID-19 created
According to a new report conducted by Cloudentity, 44% of respondents have experienced at least substantial API authorization issues concerning privacy, data leakage, and object property exposure with one or both of internal and external-facing APIs. Additionally, 97% of respondents reported that identity and authorization issues with services and APIs have had a direct impact
According to a new survey by Entrust, only 31% of employees at enterprise companies report having received training on ransomware attacks. The survey found that the COVID-19 pandemic drove significant data security training efforts at hybrid workplaces around the world. The vast majority of enterprise business leaders who responded (81%) said their company had offered
This post was written by Amit Rosenzweig, CEO of Ottopia. Teleoperation: the technology that enables a human to remotely monitor, assist and even drive an autonomous vehicle. Teleoperation is a seemingly simple capability, yet it involves numerous technologies and systems in order to be implemented safely. In the first article of this series, we established
Join gaming leaders online at GamesBeat Summit Next this upcoming November 9-10. Learn more about what comes next.  When I Work, a job scheduling and timesheet platform, today announced that it secured $200 million in a majority growth investment from Bain Capital Tech Opportunities with participation from Arthur Ventures. The company says that the strategic
DeepMind is mostly known for its work in deep reinforcement learning, especially in mastering complicated games and predicting protein structures. Now, it is taking its next step in robotics research. According to a blog post on DeepMind’s website, the company has acquired the rigid-body physics simulator MuJoCo and has made it freely available to the
In the world of cybersecurity, speed kills. In less than 20 minutes, a skilled adversary can break into an organization’s network and start exfiltrating critical data assets, and as the volume of data modern companies produce increases, it’s becoming ever more difficult for human analysts to spot malicious activity until it’s too late. This is
One of the world’s largest open source software (OSS) foundations, the Eclipse Foundation, this week announced an invitation to leaders in the technology sector to join in the commencement of a new working group initiative specifically focused on developing a new grade of open source software-defined vehicles. Alongside the Eclipse Foundation are several top industry
Much has been written about struggles of deploying machine learning projects to production. As with many burgeoning fields and disciplines, we don’t yet have a shared canonical infrastructure stack or best practices for developing and deploying data-intensive applications. This is both frustrating for companies that would prefer making ML an ordinary, fuss-free value-generating function like
Telecom giant AT&T and Mountain View, California-headquartered AI cloud company H2O have jointly launched an artificial intelligence feature store for enterprises. The repository, available as a paid software platform, enables data scientists, developers, and engineers to discover, share, and reuse machine learning features to speed up their AI project deployments. According to the companies, it
Microsoft today announced that it acquired Two Hat, an AI-powered content moderation platform, for an undisclosed amount. According to Xbox product services CVP Dave McCarthy, the purchase will combine the technology, research capabilities, teams, and cloud infrastructure of both companies to serve Two Hat’s existing and new customers and “multiple product and service experiences: at
According to a new Forrester study commissioned by Cyware, 64% of respondents note that sharing cyber threat intelligence between their organizations’ security operations center (SOC), incident response, and threat intelligence teams is limited. Chief information security offers (CISOs) must better understand the technology and data access challenges preventing their SOCs from enabling the holistic defense
Mountain View, California-based Viakoo, a company that automates IoT security for enterprises, today announced it has raised $10 million in a series A round of funding led by Shasta Ventures and existing investors Stanley Black & Decker, PivotNorth Capital, and Blue Fog Capital. As the number of IoT devices continues to increase at home and