
Join today’s leading executives online at the Data Summit on March 9th. Register here. By Adam Burden, North America lead of technology and chief software engineer of Accenture. John Lennon and Paul McCartney are two of the greatest songwriters in music’s history. Without their talents, pop music as we know it wouldn’t exist. This makes
Join today’s leading executives online at the Data Summit on March 9th. Register here. The array of newly disclosed vulnerabilities in Cisco routers, including five with a “critical” severity rating, have increased cyber risk for businesses of all sizes, cybersecurity executives told VentureBeat. Among the vulnerabilities are three that come with the highest possible severity
Last year, 91% of organizations moved one or more applications to a new IT environment, underscoring businesses’ rapid adoption of multiple clouds – private and public – according to a new report commissioned by Nutanix.  Sixty-four percent of survey respondents said they expect to be operating in a multicloud environment, leveraging public and private clouds,
Last year, San Francisco-based research lab OpenAI released Codex, an AI model for translating natural language commands into app code. The model, which powers GitHub’s Copilot feature, was heralded at the time as one of the most powerful examples of machine programming, the category of tools that automates the development and maintenance of software. Not
A new report by Gartner predicts that, by 2025, the carbon emissions of hyperscale cloud services will be a top three criterion in cloud purchase decisions. Cloud computing is evolving from technology enabler to business disruptor, and leading providers are increasingly focusing on how they can disrupt higher-level business, compliance, societal and environmental issues through
Did you miss a session from the Future of Work Summit? Head over to our Future of Work Summit on-demand library to stream. By Matt Tubergen, EVP of global strategy and corporate development at Digital Turbine.  China has seen a tremendous rise in its manufacturing of mobile phones, part of a nationwide push to raise spending on research and
Did you miss a session from the Future of Work Summit? Head over to our Future of Work Summit on-demand library to stream. This article was contributed by Atul Jindal, web design and marketing specialist. Data science is trending among modern ways of digital marketing. It helps businesses make data-driven decisions. Every two out of three marketers