
Join today’s leading executives online at the Data Summit on March 9th. Register here. ‘’Healthcare is the largest and most important vertical market in the world — $3.8 trillion last year in the United States alone,” Safra Catz, Oracle’s CEO, said recently. The marketplace supports that viewpoint. The global healthcare cloud computing market is expected
Join today’s leading executives online at the Data Summit on March 9th. Register here. For years, advertisers have relied on cross-app tracking to reach consumers, but with Google deciding to ban cross-app tracking on Android and removing the Android tracking ID, they’re going to need to develop new approaches to data collection.  The ban on
Join today’s leading executives online at the Data Summit on March 9th. Register here. Global organizations continue to struggle against the rising tide of application-specific and web-application attacks. In fact, 50% of all sites were vulnerable to at least one serious exploitable vulnerability throughout 2021, according to a new report by NTT Application Security. The
Join today’s leading executives online at the Data Summit on March 9th. Register here. This article was contributed by Archil Cheisvili, CEO of GenesisAI. For business, time and money are precious commodities. The rise of the Application Programming Interface, better known as APIs, has streamlined business operations and created a better customer experience. This kind of
Join today’s leading executives online at the Data Summit on March 9th. Register here. Paperwork is the lifeblood of many organizations. According to one source, 15% of a company’s revenue is spent creating, managing and distributing paper documents. But documents aren’t just costly — they’re time-wasting and error-prone. More than nine in 10 employees responding
Join today’s leading executives online at the Data Summit on March 9th. Register here. This article was contributed by Humpty Calderon, head of community at Ontology. Over the last several years, the gaming industry has witnessed incredible growth. Expanding 23% in 2020 from the year prior, its integration with blockchain has seen play-to-earn and crypto
Join today’s leading executives online at the Data Summit on March 9th. Register here. This article was contributed by Roy Dagan, CEO of SecuriThings. Password rotation is a fundamental first line of defense for IoT devices, including those that uphold physical, from security cameras to access control systems, alarm systems, and more. But many IoT devices