
At least nine entities across the technology, defense, healthcare, energy, and education industries were compromised by leveraging a recently patched critical vulnerability in Zoho’s ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus self-service password management and single sign-on (SSO) solution. The spying campaign, which was observed starting September 22, 2021, involved the threat actor taking advantage of the flaw to
According to a recent survey from O’Reilly, cloud adoption is steadily rising across industries, with 90% of organizations using cloud computing. This is an increase from last year’s survey, which reported that 88% of respondents used the cloud, proving that cloud adoption is proceeding rapidly. Even during a global pandemic, cloud adoption did not slow,
A previously undocumented initial access broker has been unmasked as providing entry points to three different threat actors for mounting intrusions that range from financially motivated ransomware attacks to phishing campaigns. BlackBerry’s research and intelligence team dubbed the entity “Zebra2104,” with the group responsible for offering a means of a digital approach to ransomware syndicates
NASA’s four-member SpaceX Crew-2 mission is targeting a return to Earth on Monday, November 8. The splashdown is expected to be off the coast of Florida, USA. The Crew Dragon spacecraft, named Endeavour, was earlier scheduled to undock from the International Space Station (ISS) on November 7. However, mission teams delayed the return due to
Let the OSS Enterprise newsletter guide your open source journey! Sign up here. Databases are the cornerstone of most modern business applications, be it for managing payroll, tracking customer orders, or storing and retrieving just about any piece of business-critical information. With the right supplementary business intelligence (BI) tools, companies can derive all manner of insights from their vast swathes of
In what’s yet another instance of supply chain attack targeting open-source software repositories, two popular NPM packages with cumulative weekly downloads of nearly 22 million were found to be compromised with malicious code by gaining unauthorized access to the respective developer’s accounts. The two libraries in question are “coa,” a parser for command-line options, and
Dr. Kamal Ranadive, known for her research in cancer, has her birth anniversary on November 8, and Google is celebrating Indian cell biologist with a doodle on the occasion. Ranadive was a founder member of the Indian Women Scientists’ Association, and is noted for her devotion to creating a more equitable society through science and
British artificial intelligence scientist and entrepreneur Demis Hassabis. OLI SCARFF | AFP | Getty Images Google parent company Alphabet has launched a new drug discovery company in the U.K. called Isomorphic Labs. The company will build on research carried out by London artificial intelligence lab DeepMind, which Google acquired in 2014. While the firm was
0 Comments, the Seattle-based company that provides APIs to developers to build apps capable of understanding natural human conversations, has raised a $17 million series A funding. says its APIs unlock machine learning algorithms from a variety of industry partners and sources. The company helps developers ingest conversation data from voice, email, chat, and social,