
A top German security official said Wednesday that his agency has created a task force to investigate individuals suspected of using Telegram to commit crimes, amid growing concerns that the messaging app is becoming a “medium for radicalisation.” Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office warned that the app is being used to target politicians, scientists, and
It’s 2022 and nearly every smartphone launched outside the budget segment has support for 5G, despite there still being no sign of 5G networks in India yet. Realme has been pushing plenty of 5G phones for over a year now, but oddly, it’s latest offering, the Realme 9i, is a 4G-only model. It’s an entry-level
Did you miss a session from the Future of Work Summit? Head over to our Future of Work Summit on-demand library to stream. It may well be another “clash of the titans”  when the upcoming metaverse – such as we understand it now – meets data privacy. The metaverse wants to harvest new, uncharted personal information, even
Smartphone market worldwide recovered to pre-COVID-19 level in 2021 by growing seven percent year-on-year to 1.35 billion shipments, according to a report. The growth reported despite component supply shortages due to the pandemic that are still being faced by most players in the market globally. Samsung retained its market leadership in the year with a
Microsoft has disclosed details of a large-scale, multi-phase phishing campaign that uses stolen credentials to register devices on a victim’s network to further propagate spam emails and widen the infection pool. The tech giant said the attacks manifested through accounts that were not secured using multi-factor authentication (MFA), thereby making it possible for the adversary