Month: April 2024

Samsung launched its Galaxy S24 series with Galaxy AI, a suite of AI-based features and utilities for performing day-to-day activities and enhancing productivity earlier this year. In the last few months, we have seen OnePlus and Google jumping on the AI bandwagon by announcing new tools for their handsets. Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi now seems
Apr 19, 2024NewsroomNetwork Security / Firmware Security Technology, research, and government sectors in the Asia-Pacific region have been targeted by a threat actor called BlackTech as part of a recent cyber attack wave. The intrusions pave the way for an updated version of modular backdoor dubbed Waterbear as well as its enhanced successor referred to
Apr 19, 2024NewsroomCyber Espionage / Threat Intelligence Government entities in the Middle East have been targeted as part of a previously undocumented campaign to deliver a new backdoor dubbed CR4T. Russian cybersecurity company Kaspersky said it discovered the activity in February 2024, with evidence suggesting that it may have been active since at least a
Kingdom Come: Deliverance, 2018’s meticulous medieval action-RPG, is finally getting a sequel. Publisher Plaion has announced Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, set for release in 2024 across PC, PS5 and Xbox Series S/X. Developed by Warhorse Studios, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 promises to be a “true sequel” to the first game, bringing visceral first-person melee combat
Apr 18, 2024NewsroomCyber Attack / Malware The infamous cybercrime syndicate known as FIN7 has been linked to a spear-phishing campaign targeting the U.S. automotive industry to deliver a known backdoor called Carbanak (aka Anunak). “FIN7 identified employees at the company who worked in the IT department and had higher levels of administrative rights,” the BlackBerry
Wayve unveiled its artificial intelligence (AI)-based vision-language-action driving model (VLAM) Lingo-2 on Wednesday. Lingo-2 comes as the successor of the Lingo-1 AI model and has multiple new capabilities. The autonomous driving AI can now offer commentary of its actions while driving as well as adapt its actions based on the passenger’s instructions. It can also
Snapchat announced on Tuesday that it will soon start adding a watermark to the artificial intelligence (AI)-generated images created using its tools. The platform allows its premium users to generate AI images through the platform’s native conversational chatbot ‘My AI’ and its Dreams feature. The watermark will be a visual addition to highlight that it