Month: February 2024

Feb 21, 2024NewsroomMalware / Cyber Threat Facebook advertisers in Vietnam are the target of a previously unknown information stealer dubbed VietCredCare at least since August 2022. The malware is “notable for its ability to automatically filter out Facebook session cookies and credentials stolen from compromised devices, and assess whether these accounts manage business profiles and
Feb 20, 2024NewsroomRansomware / Data Protection The U.K. National Crime Agency (NCA) on Tuesday confirmed that it obtained LockBit’s source code as well as intelligence pertaining to its activities and their affiliates as part of a dedicated task force called Operation Cronos. “Some of the data on LockBit’s systems belonged to victims who had paid
Feb 20, 2024NewsroomServer Security / Cryptojacking A novel malware campaign has been observed targeting Redis servers for initial access with the ultimate goal of mining cryptocurrency on compromised Linux hosts. “This particular campaign involves the use of a number of novel system weakening techniques against the data store itself,” Cado security researcher Matt Muir said
Hackers backed by Iran and Hezbollah staged cyber attacks designed to undercut public support for the Israel-Hamas war after October 2023. This includes destructive attacks against key Israeli organizations, hack-and-leak operations targeting entities in Israel and the U.S., phishing campaigns designed to steal intelligence, and information operations to turn public opinion against Israel. Iran accounted