Month: January 2023

Jan 28, 2023Ravie LakshmananServer Security / DNS The Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) has released patches to address multiple security vulnerabilities in the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) 9 Domain Name System (DNS) software suite that could lead to a denial-of-service (DoS) condition. “A remote attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities to potentially cause denial-of-service conditions and
Sciences Po, one of France’s top universities, has banned the use of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence-based chatbot that can generate coherent prose, to prevent fraud and plagiarism. ChatGPT is a free programme that generates original text about virtually any subject in response to a prompt, including articles, essays, jokes and even poetry, raising concerns across
Jan 28, 2023The Hacker News The use of software as a service (SaaS) is experiencing rapid growth and shows no signs of slowing down. Its decentralized and easy-to-use nature is beneficial for increasing employee productivity, but it also poses many security and IT challenges. Keeping track of all the SaaS applications that have been granted
Global smartphone shipments reportedly declined by 18.3 percent, year-over-year (YoY) in Q4 2022. Falling consumer demand, high inventory, and market uncertainties are said to be the main reasons for the drop in shipments, according to a survey conducted by International Data Corporation’s (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker. While Apple topped the global smartphone shipments
There are hundreds of millions of asteroids in our solar system, which means new asteroids are discovered quite frequently. It also means close encounters between asteroids and Earth are fairly common. Some of these close encounters end up with the asteroid impacting Earth, occasionally with severe consequences. A recently discovered asteroid, named 2023 BU, has
Jan 28, 2023Ravie LakshmananEmail Security / Cyber Threat Microsoft is urging customers to keep their Exchange servers updated as well as take steps to bolster the environment, such as enabling Windows Extended Protection and configuring certificate-based signing of PowerShell serialization payloads. “Attackers looking to exploit unpatched Exchange servers are not going to go away,” the
Jan 27, 2023Ravie LakshmananEndpoint Security / Malware Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a PlugX sample that employs sneaky methods to infect attached removable USB media devices in order to propagate the malware to additional systems. “This PlugX variant is wormable and infects USB devices in such a way that it conceals itself from the Windows operating
Twitter will team up with digital ad verification companies Integral Ad Science and DoubleVerify to provide advertisers tweet-level analysis on content appearing next to their ads, the companies said on Wednesday. IAS and DoubleVerify, who have both previously partnered with Twitter, use technology to independently verify that digital ads are viewed by real people. Advertisers