Month: December 2022

In this article BTC.CM= FTT.CM= Follow your favorite stocksCREATE FREE ACCOUNT John Ray, chief executive officer of FTX Cryptocurrency Derivatives Exchange, arrives at bankruptcy court in Wilmington, Delaware, US, on Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2022. Eric Lee | Bloomberg | Getty Images The Department of Justice has requested that an independent examiner be appointed to review
A previously undocumented Go-based malware is targeting Redis servers with the goal of taking control of the infected systems and likely building a botnet network. The attacks involve taking advantage of a critical security vulnerability in the open source, in-memory, key-value store that was disclosed earlier this year to deploy Redigo, according to cloud security
IBM has fixed a high-severity security vulnerability affecting its Cloud Databases (ICD) for PostgreSQL product that could be potentially exploited to tamper with internal repositories and run unauthorized code. The privilege escalation flaw (CVSS score: 8.8), dubbed “Hell’s Keychain” by cloud security firm Wiz, has been described as a “first-of-its-kind supply-chain attack vector impacting a
Old technology solutions – every organization has a few of them tucked away somewhere. It could be an old and unsupported storage system or a tape library holding the still-functional backups from over 10 years ago. This is a common scenario with software too. For example, consider an accounting software suite that was extremely expensive