Month: July 2022

Samsung’s latest M series smartphones- Galaxy M13 and M13 5G are all set to go on sale today. The latest budget offerings from the smartphone giant come with some really cool features, making it a significant upgrade over the bestseller Samsung Galaxy M12. Now let’s jump right into the details Up to 12GB RAM with
Jay Carney, the top policy and communications executive at Amazon and one-time White House spokesman, has been named the head of policy at Airbnb, marking another high-profile departure for Amazon as it faces a shifting consumer landscape and heightened regulatory scrutiny. Carney, who served as the press secretary for President Barack Obama, will join Airbnb‘s
Russian-backed separatists in a breakaway region of eastern Ukraine have blocked access to the search engine Google, their leader said on Friday, citing what he calls “disinformation”. In a message posted on his Telegram channel, Denis Pushilin, head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), accused Google of promoting “violence against all Russians” and said
Ukrainian radio operator TAVR Media on Thursday became the latest victim of a cyberattack, resulting in the broadcast of a fake message that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was seriously ill. “Cybercriminals spread information that the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is allegedly in intensive care, and his duties are performed by the Chairman of the Verkhovna