Month: July 2022

The rise of DevOps culture in enterprises has accelerated product delivery timelines. Automation undoubtedly has its advantages. However, containerization and the rise of cloud software development are exposing organizations to a sprawling new attack surface. Machine identities vastly outnumber human ones in enterprises these days. Indeed, the rise of machine identities is creating cybersecurity debt,
The government of India blocked access to Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), a popular battle-royale format game from South Korean game development firm Krafton, as it was concerned about its data sharing and mining in China, an Indian government source told Reuters on Friday. The block comes nearly two years after PUBG Mobile was banned in the country. Section 69A
The decentralized file system solution known as IPFS is becoming the new “hotbed” for hosting phishing sites, researchers have warned. Cybersecurity firm Trustwave SpiderLabs, which disclosed specifics of the spam campaigns, said it identified no less than 3,000 emails containing IPFS phishing URLs as an attack vector in the last three months. IPFS, short for
A threat actor operating with interests aligned with North Korea has been deploying a malicious extension on Chromium-based web browsers that’s capable of stealing email content from Gmail and AOL. Cybersecurity firm Volexity attributed the malware to an activity cluster it calls SharpTongue, which is said to share overlaps with an adversarial collective publicly referred
To understand any physical phenomenon, one must identify the variables that are responsible for it. While scientists are familiar with the variables for most physical connects, some have remained to be elusive. Now, researchers from Columbia University have used artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a program that observes such physical phenomena and detects the relevant