Month: May 2022

The first exoplanet was discovered in 1992. Since then, astronomers have discovered almost 5,000 planets orbiting other stars. However, whenever a new exoplanet is discovered, little information is available about it. All that is known is that the exoplanet exists and it has a few characteristics. Everything else, though, remains a mystery. To address this
Germany’s financial regulator BaFin warned Tuesday of the “very big” risk of cyberattacks targeting the financial sector, a threat it said had become “more likely” since Russia’s war on Ukraine. “The risk that companies in the financial sector will fall victim to cyberattacks or that internal IT security incidents will occur is very big and
Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed a new variant of the AvosLocker ransomware that disables antivirus solutions to evade detection after breaching target networks by taking advantage of unpatched security flaws. “This is the first sample we observed from the U.S. with the capability to disable a defense solution using a legitimate Avast Anti-Rootkit Driver file (asWarPot.sys),”
Venture capital is making a big move on crypto in 2022. Scared of being left in the digital dust, private equity investors are stampeding towards crypto projects — blockchain-based apps and platforms fuelled by cryptocurrencies that are native to the virtual economies of the metaverse and Web3. VC investment in such projects totalled $10 billion (roughly Rs. 76,600 crore)