Month: April 2022

Security researchers have disclosed a security vulnerability in the VirusTotal platform that could have been potentially weaponized to achieve remote code execution (RCE). The flaw, now patched, made it possible to “execute commands remotely within VirusTotal platform and gain access to its various scans capabilities,” Cysource researchers Shai Alfasi and Marlon Fabiano da Silva said
We are excited to bring Transform 2022 back in-person July 19 and virtually July 20 – 28. Join AI and data leaders for insightful talks and exciting networking opportunities. Register today! Digital twins have become increasingly invaluable for enterprises to improve their supply chain planning. Whereas many digital twins simulate products or buildings, supply chain
A security vulnerability has been disclosed in the web version of the Ever Surf wallet that, if successfully weaponized, could allow an attacker to gain full control over a victim’s wallet. “By exploiting the vulnerability, it’s possible to decrypt the private keys and seed phrases that are stored in the browser’s local storage,” Israeli cybersecurity
We are excited to bring Transform 2022 back in-person July 19 and virtually July 20 – 28. Join AI and data leaders for insightful talks and exciting networking opportunities. Register today! Global healthcare company Novartis is using Snowflake technology as a platform to both improve business processes and launch life-changing medicines faster.  Loïc Giraud, global
Java versions 15 and above carry a flaw in the implementation of its Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) that could exploited by cybercriminals to digitally sign files by forging some types of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates, signed JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), and even two-factor authentication messages. The issue was first discovered last year
Although you don’t have to spend more than Rs. 40,000 to get a 55-inch Ultra-HD TV these days, increasing your budget does usually get you better features and performance. This also means being able to choose from more brands, including well-known and established options that offer somewhat more assurance of quality and performance. One such