Month: March 2022

Did you miss a session at the Data Summit? Watch On-Demand Here. This article was contributed by Toni Witt, technology analyst at Acceleration Economy.  Louis Rosenberg, the XR pioneer who developed the first interactive augmented reality system in 1992 at the Air Force Research Laboratory, believes we’ll face the same concerns with the metaverse that
A lawsuit filed on Friday accuses Google of systemic racial bias against Black employees, saying the search engine company steers them to lower-level jobs, pays them less and denies them opportunities to advance because of their race. According to a complaint seeking class-action status, Google maintains a “racially biased corporate culture” that favours white men, where
The malware known as DirtyMoe has gained new worm-like propagation capabilities that allow it to expand its reach without requiring any user interaction, the latest research has found. “The worming module targets older well-known vulnerabilities, e.g., EternalBlue and Hot Potato Windows privilege escalation,” Avast researcher Martin Chlumecký said in a report published Wednesday. “One worm
Australia announced Friday it is suing Facebook owner Meta over scam adverts for cryptocurrency schemes that falsely claimed to be endorsed by prominent figures. Australia’s consumer protection commission said it had started Federal Court proceedings against Meta Platforms for “false, misleading or deceptive conduct” in breach of consumer or securities laws. It accused Meta of
Did you miss a session at the Data Summit? Watch On-Demand Here. This week in AI, a new Pew Center poll shed light on Americans’ views of AI, including the use of facial recognition by police. In other news, the U.S. Justice Department revealed it hasn’t kept “specific record[s]” on its purchases of predictive policing