Month: February 2022

Chinese tech giant Tencent said Friday it strongly disagreed with a US decision to add its WeChat app to a government list of “notorious” markets known for trade in counterfeit goods. WeChat and e-commerce site AliExpress were among those put on the list by the US Trade Representative (USTR) on Thursday spotlighting markets Washington says
Join today’s leading executives online at the Data Summit on March 9th. Register here. Paperwork is the lifeblood of many organizations. According to one source, 15% of a company’s revenue is spent creating, managing and distributing paper documents. But documents aren’t just costly — they’re time-wasting and error-prone. More than nine in 10 employees responding
A “potentially destructive actor” aligned with the government of Iran is actively exploiting the well-known Log4j vulnerability to infect unpatched VMware Horizon servers with ransomware. Cybersecurity firm SentinelOne dubbed the group “TunnelVision” owing to their heavy reliance on tunneling tools, with overlaps in tactics observed to that of a broader group tracked under the moniker
Researchers have detailed what they call the “first successful attempt” at decrypting data infected with Hive ransomware without relying on the private key used to lock access to the content. “We were able to recover the master key for generating the file encryption key without the attacker’s private key, by using a cryptographic vulnerability identified
Join today’s leading executives online at the Data Summit on March 9th. Register here. This article was contributed by Humpty Calderon, head of community at Ontology. Over the last several years, the gaming industry has witnessed incredible growth. Expanding 23% in 2020 from the year prior, its integration with blockchain has seen play-to-earn and crypto
Patches have been issued to contain a “severe” security vulnerability in UpdraftPlus, a WordPress plugin with over three million installations, that can be weaponized to download the site’s private data using an account on the vulnerable sites. “All versions of UpdraftPlus from March 2019 onwards have contained a vulnerability caused by a missing permissions-level check,