Report: 78% of U.S. execs rely on AI insights to enhance marketing efforts


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Using artificial intelligence (AI) to create personalized language and content is one of the most impactful tools digital marketers have available to ensure they stay ahead of the curve in ever-evolving markets.

In January 2022, Persado and Coresight Research found that 78.3% of U.S.-based executives hold AI accountable for creative development and execution. In doing so, marketers can leverage AI-generated content and track the impact of words and phrases that resonate most with their customers.  

As natural language generation (NLG) continues to grow in prominence, marketing teams will evolve to work with AI to help create the ultimate customer experience. Integration of advanced digital technologies within marketing teams will play an increasing role in driving revenue. The Persado study emphasizes that 53.9% of respondents cited they are currently leveraging AI or machine learning to offer a personalized experience to customers. 

To create an engaging customer experience, marketers rely on data to create and develop personalized customization. In the past, marketers have relied heavily on third-party data, but changes in privacy laws in the US and EU have shifted businesses’ focus to owning first-party data — data that organizations collect directly from their customers (such as demographics, purchase history, etc.). This shift is emphasized within Persado’s research, which found that 78.2% of U.S.-based executives believe efficient use of first-party data is very or critical for AI in digital marketing. 

First-party data is critical for marketers to create enhanced customer experiences. AI marketing tools enable organizations to anticipate customer needs, create targeted campaigns, and reduce the time to resolve inquiries. Implementation of these AI tools will play an increasing role in driving revenue. This study emphasizes the growing role advanced technologies play in creating positive brand experiences for consumers and generating significant returns on investments.

Results are based on findings from a November 2021 Persado and Coresight Research survey of 165 U.S.-based executive business leaders whose companies use AI and ML in digital marketing or plan to do so in the next three years.

Read the full report by Persado.

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