Report: 83% of IT leaders say a hybrid multicloud is the ideal operating model


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Last year, 91% of organizations moved one or more applications to a new IT environment, underscoring businesses’ rapid adoption of multiple clouds – private and public – according to a new report commissioned by Nutanix

Sixty-four percent of survey respondents said they expect to be operating in a multicloud environment, leveraging public and private clouds, within one to three years. As the pandemic altered how nearly all organizations operate, multicloud offers the most agile and flexible IT environment to support changing business needs. 

But while IT decision-makers agree that portability and flexible systems are the future, there are challenges and complexities with managing across cloud borders. Thirty-six percent of respondents said their clouds are fully interoperable, and a little more than half (56%) reported some level of interoperability between clouds. In addition to cloud interoperability issues, most respondents (80%) agree that moving a workload to a new cloud environment can be costly and time-consuming. To address top challenges related to interoperability, security, cost and data integration, the majority of respondents (83%) point to hybrid multicloud as the ideal IT operating model. This IT operating model, which provides unified operations and management across private and public clouds, helps businesses better control security and cloud costs while also enhancing resilience.

Top Multicloud Trends: 91% moved one or more applications to a new IT environment over the last 12 months. 64% expect to be operating in a multicloud environment within one to three years. And 83% agree that hybrid multicloud is ideal.

Despite the inherent challenges and overall learning curve, businesses are showing no signs of hesitancy; rather, they are accelerating their adoption of a cloud-smart approach to help support their digital transformation efforts.

For Nutanix’s report, U.K. researcher Vanson Bourne surveyed 1,700 IT decision-makers around the world in the fall of 2021 to measure enterprise progress with cloud adoption. Respondents were asked about where they’re running their business applications today, where they plan to run them in the future, what their cloud challenges are, and how their cloud initiatives stack up against other IT projects and priorities.

Read the full report by Nutanix.

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