Month: January 2022

Snap has globally launched a new shopping user experience, Catalogue-powered Shopping Lenses. These Shopping Lenses offer the Snapchat generation a fast and easy way of purchasing and trying on multiple products within a seamless AR experience. These Lenses are programmed to perfectly outline the Snapchatters face, body, and world. The AR products are automatically personalised
Mars has often been described as Earth’s closest companion in the solar system, having a similar size, inclination, and structural composition. Mars is even believed to have had water on its surface, giving rise to the belief that one day the Red Planet could support life. Colonising Mars is fast becoming a preoccupation among many humans
A financially-motivated malware campaign has compromised over 800 WordPress websites to deliver a banking trojan dubbed Chaes targeting Brazilian customers of Banco do Brasil, Loja Integrada, Mercado Bitcoin, Mercado Livre, and Mercado Pago. First documented by Cybereason in November 2020, the info-stealing malware is delivered via a sophisticated infection chain that’s engineered to harvest sensitive
In this article TSLA Tesla CEO Elon Musk gestures as he visits the construction site of Tesla’s Gigafactory in Gruenheide near Berlin, Germany, August 13, 2021. Patrick Pleul | Reuters Tesla CEO Elon Musk said during the company’s fourth-quarter earnings call that the company won’t release any new models this year, and isn’t currently developing
The OnePlus 9RT is the latest and most likely the last smartphone we’ll see in the company’s 9 series, and if you’re not all that excited about it, we don’t blame you. The ‘T’ refreshes of OnePlus phones usually bring minor improvements to design and performance. The OnePlus 7T (Review) was an exception, but the 9RT is
The subject of threat visibility is a recurring one in cybersecurity. With an expanding attack surface due to the remote work transformation, cloud and SaaS computing and the proliferation of personal devices, seeing all the threats that are continuously bombarding the company is beyond challenging. This especially rings true for small to medium-sized enterprises with
Facebook’s parent company Meta on Monday said it has created what it believes is among the fastest artificial intelligence supercomputers running today. The social media giant said it hopes the machine will help lay the groundwork for its building of the metaverse, a virtual reality construct intended to supplant the Internet as we know it