Month: December 2021

Microsoft is urging customers to patch two security vulnerabilities in Active Directory domain controllers that it addressed in November following the availability of a proof-of-concept (PoC) tool on December 12. The two vulnerabilities — tracked as CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287 — have a severity rating of 7.5 out of a maximum of 10 and concern a
Microblogging platform Twitter uses an algorithm that amplifies the reach of politically right-leaning sources more than that of politically left-leaning sources, suggested a study. Twitter uses the algorithm to personalise the content its users see on their home timelines. Cambridge University professor Ferenc Huszar and his colleagues quantified whether Twitter’s algorithm amplifies left-leaning or right-leaning
Hear from CIOs, CTOs, and other C-level and senior execs on data and AI strategies at the Future of Work Summit this January 12, 2022. Learn more This article was contributed by Kumar Goswami, CEO, and cofounder of Komprise. For decades, managing data essentially meant collecting, storing, and occasionally accessing it. That has all changed
Paleontologists have found a never-seen-before fossil of a complete baby dinosaur curled up inside its egg. The fossil showed the remarkable similarities between theropod dinosaurs and the birds they would evolve into, according to a new study. The 70-million-year-old fossilised embryo has been named “Baby Yingliang” after the museum in China which houses it. The
Redmi Note 11 4G global variant is said to have received certifications from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and Thailand’s National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC). The smartphone has also separately appeared on the listing of camera app Camera FV-5. This suggests some camera specifications of the Redmi phone ahead of its official launch.
China’s internet regulator, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), has suspended a partnership with Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing subsidiary of e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, for six months for failing to promptly report a critical security vulnerability affecting the broadly used Log4j logging library. The development was reported by Reuters and South China
“Machine learning is ubiquitous at Amazon today,” said Rajeev Rastogi, Vice President, Machine Learning at Amazon India, in an interview with Gadgets 360. “Within the retail business, we are using machine learning extensively to recommend products to customers, forecast future demand for products, and improve the quality of a product catalogue, both classifying products, and
A short-lived phishing campaign has been observed taking advantage of a novel exploit that bypassed a patch put in place by Microsoft to fix a remote code execution vulnerability affecting the MSHTML component with the goal of delivering Formbook malware. “The attachments represent an escalation of the attacker’s abuse of the CVE-2021-40444 bug and demonstrate
The European Commission on Tuesday granted Microsoft unconditional antitrust approval for its $16 billion (roughly Rs. 1,20,525 crore)  bid for artificial intelligence and speech technology company Nuance Communications. The deal is Microsoft’s second biggest after its $26.2 billion (roughly Rs. 1,98,070 crore) LinkedIn purchase in 2016, and would boost its presence in cloud services for healthcare. It