Month: November 2021

Cyber-physical attacks against pharma supply chains are growing because attackers have figured out how to penetrate endpoint gaps between operations technology (OT) and IT systems. What makes these attacks so lethal is how they compromise the physical security of targets and immediately put the health of employees and patients at risk. Universal Healthcare Services says
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has published a catalog of vulnerabilities, including from Apple, Cisco, Microsoft, and Google, that have known exploits and are being actively exploited by malicious cyber actors, in addition to requiring federal agencies to prioritize applying patches for those security flaws within “aggressive” timeframes. “These vulnerabilities pose significant
Astronomers from India have observed an X-ray binary system in space, known as GRS 1915+105, using the AstroSat, the first dedicated Indian astronomy mission. At a distance of some 28,000 light-years away from the Earth, this system is a superluminal low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB). It was first detected in August 1992. But AstroSat observations confirmed
WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger, and other Facebook apps have started showing the company’s new ‘Meta’ branding on both Android and iOS devices. The update comes a week after Facebook announced that it is changing its company’s name to Meta. The renaming is aimed at going beyond traditional social media and better reflecting the company’s ongoing investment
Pinterest forecast fourth-quarter revenue growth in the high-teens percentage range, after online retailers splurging on ads before the holiday season helped the image-sharing company beat quarterly estimates. Shares of the company rose 6.5 percent after the bell on Thursday, as increased demand from large retail advertisers and growth in its international business boosted third-quarter revenue
The move to hybrid work accelerated by the pandemic has created cybersecurity risks, with employees at home creating more possible vulnerable endpoints for enterprises. At the same time, enterprises are increasingly adopting cloud solutions like Microsoft’s Azure or Amazon’s AWS. This is creating hybrid cloud infrastructure gaps in enterprises. Also, hybrid work is driving the
Ukraine’s premier law enforcement and counterintelligence agency on Thursday disclosed the real identities of five individuals allegedly involved in cyberattacks attributed to a cyber-espionage group named Gamaredon, linking the members to Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB). Calling the hacker group “an FSB special project, which specifically targeted Ukraine,” the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) said
A federal judge on Thursday rejected a lawsuit by Jeff Bezos’ space company Blue Origin against the US government over NASA’s decision to award a $2.9 billion (roughly Rs. 21,559 crore) lunar lander contract to rival billionaire Elon Musk’s SpaceX. Judge Richard Hertling of the US Court of Federal Claims in Washington granted the government’s
The U.S. Commerce Department on Wednesday added four companies, including Israel-based spyware companies NSO Group and Candiru, to a list of entities engaging in “malicious cyber activities.” The agency said the two companies were added to the list based on evidence that “these entities developed and supplied spyware to foreign governments that used these tools
Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen welcomed Facebook’s announcement that it would scrap facial recognition, but urged close government oversight of the move to ensure the social network lived up to its pledge. Facebook made the announcement on Tuesday, partly in response to growing scrutiny from regulators and legislators over user safety and abuses on its platforms.